RULES              FAQ             SUGGESTIONS


The rules presented on this website have been developed by the 2022 NDGOP Ad Hoc Committee on Rules, composed of several dozen voting delegates from across the state.

Under Robert’s Rules, “A special (select, or ad hoc) committee is a committee appointed, as the need arises, to carry out a specified task, at the completion of which—that is, on presentation of its final report to the assembly—it automatically ceases to exist.” (RONR, 11th ed., pg. 492). It is best described as a “task force”. The ad hoc committee’s functions are temporary and expire once its Report is delivered to the assembly.

The NDGOP’s standing Committee on Rules has developed Rules to be proposed to the delegation, but these Rules are not valid unless adopted by the body. Since party leadership has not provided enough time in the agenda for a Convention Committee on Rules, composed of duly elected delegates appointed and approved by the convention body to conduct this work, we have created an Ad Hoc Committee ourselves. We are offering an alternative set of Rules for review by the delegates.

Our Rules maintain 90% of past party Rules, but make key changes that clearly reinforce your rights as delegates to determine the proceedings of this convention – i.e. the rights of the delegates to determine the Rules, Platform and nominees of the NDGOP.

During these unprecedented times, we have seen the Biden administration violate our individuals rights at an alarming rate. The NDGOP must stand firm in protecting our rights. We must offer voters a clear alternative, and that means ensuring that our party organization follows legal Rules of Order and protects the First Amendment rights to peaceable assembly and voluntary association.

To understand the basis for these proposed Rules, and to have answers to common questions, please visit the Frequently Asked Questions section here.

Paid for by 2022 NDGOP Ad Hoc Committee on Rules. Use of the NDGOP State Convention logo does not imply ownership.