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Last Updated 3/30/2022  11:57pm*

*Note, we are constantly discussing further changes to our proposed rules and will periodically update the below Rules. Please check here for any changes that may occur between now and Friday, April 1st. There will be no further changes on this website after 7pm April 1st. If you prefer, download a PDF version of our rules HERE with highlights that indicate major changes from previous Rules. It is current to the date above.

“United As One” Rules Package 

Proposed Rules of the North Dakota Republican Party



BE IT RESOLVED, That the Republican Party is the party of the open door. Ours is the party of liberty, the party of equal opportunity for all, and favoritism for none. It is the intent and purpose of these rules to encourage and allow the broadest possible participation of all voters in Republican Party activities at all levels and to assure that the Republican Party is open and accessible to all citizens who intend to affiliate with the party.

BE IT RESOLVED, That the Republican Party convention is a deliberative association of individuals which falls under the protection of the First Amendment and the right of peaceable assembly and voluntary association. These Rules shall govern and take precedence over federal and state law, with the exception of what is rightfully within the constitutional purview of state government’s to manage their own elections. The North Dakota Republican Party (NDGOP), its officeholders and nominees, the State Committee, and any other entity of the NDGOP shall not follow any provision of law that purports to authorize the Legislature of the State of North Dakota, to adopt laws governing the internal organization and election of political parties.

BE IT RESOLVED, That the Republican Party will protect the rights of its members under the First and Fourteenth Amendments to the U.S. Constitution, which includes the right to freely speak and associate, and the right to determine for itself the ways and means of nominating candidates as Republican nominees for statewide and federal offices, nominating and electing candidates for NDGOP offices, and electing delegates and alternate delegates to the Republican National Convention. The NDGOP further reserves the exercise of its federal constitutional rights to represent, speak, and otherwise advocate for its members and officers on all matters of public policy.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, These rules are to be in conformity with the principle that the Republican National Committee is an unincorporated association of individuals. It is not a permanent society, it is a temporary organization governed by its convention. The state convention is the highest legal authority of the NDGOP, and the delegates determine its Rules and proceedings. That the following be hereby adopted as the Rules of the NDGOP, composed of the rules of business of this state convention (Section One), the rules for the election and government of the NDGOP until the next state convention (Section Two), the rules under which delegates and alternate delegates shall be allotted to the legislative district committees in the next state convention, nomination requirements and the rules under which such delegates and alternate delegates shall be elected and under which contests shall be considered (Section Three).


*Explanation: These are the Rules under which the 2022 NDGOP State Convention shall operate.

RULE NO. 1 – Order of Business

The order of business of the State Republican Convention shall be as follows:

  1. Call to Order – Perrie Schafer, Chairman, NDGOP
  2. Election of a Temporary Chairman and Temporary Secretary.
  3. Appointment of Committee on Credentials, Committee on Rules, Committee on Resolutions, and Program Committee. 
  4. Appointment of Sergeant at Arms, Representative Pat Heinert
  5. Invocation – Monsignor Patrick Schumacher
  6. Presentation of Colors
  7. Pledge of Allegiance – Fred Rios
  8. National Anthem – Dominick Goettle
  9. Welcome – Bismarck Mayor Steve Bakken
  10. Adopt the report of the Credentials Committee – Josh Anderson
  11. Election of a Permanent Chairman and Permanent Secretary
  12. Adoption of the Rules Committee Report – John Trandem
  13. Nomination of statewide Republican candidates.
  14. Adopt the 2022 North Dakota Republican Party Platform.

RULE NO. 2 – Committee Reports

(a) The report of the Convention Committee on Credentials shall be disposed of before the report of the Convention Committee on Rules and Order of Business is acted upon; the report of the Convention Committee on Rules and Order of Business shall be disposed of before the report of the Convention Committee on the Platform is acted upon. 

(b) Upon the adoption of the report of the Convention Committee on Rules and Order of Business, Rule Nos. (1-14) shall constitute the Standing Rules for this convention.

(c) The report of any such committee listed in Rule No. 2(a) shall be considered as read if made available to the delegates prior to its consideration.

RULE NO. 3 – Admission to Convention Hall

(a) No person except members of the several delegations, and officers of the convention,shall be admitted to the section of the convention hall restricted to delegates. 

(b) Press, alternate delegates, registered guests and staff shall be admitted to the section(s) of the hall authorized for them.

RULE NO. 4 – Voting 

(a) Each delegate to the convention shall be entitled to one (1) vote, which may be cast by an alternate delegate in the absence of the delegate.

RULE NO. 5. – Rules of Order 

Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, 12th Edition, and these special rules of order, shall be the rules of this convention.

RULE NO. 6 – Credentials

Issues regarding credentials shall be presented to the Credentials Committee. Adoption by the Convention of a Credentials Committee report of certified delegates shall determine the number of delegates eligible to vote.

The Credentials Committee will report to the Convention any changes in the total number of certified delegates before the conduct of business at each session of the Convention and before the vote of nomination for any office for which two or more candidates have been nominated.  

The Chair of each District delegation shall have authority to fill a vacancy in that District’s certified delegation from among its registered alternates.

An updated Credentials Report by district will be given thirty minutes prior to each ballot, or as nearly thereto as may be practicable. Only those credentialed as of the deadline prior to balloting will be allowed to mark a ballot and cast a vote.

RULE NO. 6  – Nominations

Section 1. Statewide Candidates

This State Republican Convention shall nominate one candidate for each statewide office appearing on the North Dakota General Election Ballot this year. This includes nominations for the offices of United States Senate, United States Congress, Attorney General, Secretary of State, Agriculture Commissioner, Tax Commissioner and two Public Service Commissioner positions, for the purpose of Representing the North Dakota Republican Party.

Section 1. In order for a Statewide Candidate to have his/her name placed in nomination he/she must:

  1. Have submitted valid signatures from ten District Chairs by 5:00 p.m. March 8th;
  2. Have paid the following fees to the party in order to be eligible to be a candidate:
  1. $5,000 for senatorial/gubernatorial races
  2. $3,500 for congressional races
  3. $2,500 for statewide executive officers
  4. No fee for National Committeeman/woman
  1. Have not sought the nomination of another political party or ran as an Independent for statewide office in the past six (6) years. 
  2. Have submitted to the Chairman in writing any use of a candidate’s or other party’s personal or campaign funds to pay the delegate fees of any seated delegate by 5:00 p.m. the Monday preceding the beginning of the Republican State Nominating Convention.
  3. Hold delegate status to the Republican State Nominating Convention at which they intend to be nominated as a candidate;
  4. Receive a nomination and second by seated delegates to the Republican State Nominating Convention.

Section 2. After the Convention Chairman has opened the floor for nominations, the Convention Chair will call for nominations and allow them until there are no more nominations or all eligible candidates have been nominated. If there is only one candidate for nomination who has the required support, the chair may declare them elected or nominated.


RULE NO. 7 – Voting

Section 1. Votes shall be conducted by secret ballot. Ballots shall be furnished by the  Convention. Each certified delegate shall be entitled to cast one vote for each office. The  delegate or alternate designated by the District Chairmen must be present on the floor of the Convention to cast their vote. No proxy voting will be allowed.

Section 2. The Convention Secretary shall call the roll for the vote count in numerical order.    

Section 3. The Chairman of each District delegation shall report the results of the District balloting in writing on the vote report furnished by the Secretary of the Convention. The Chairman shall sign the vote report. The signed vote report and all ballots shall be placed in the report envelope and the report envelope shall be delivered to the Convention Secretary.

Section 4. When the Convention Secretary has received the vote report of every District, the  Convention Secretary shall call the roll of the Districts. As each District is called, the Chairman of the District shall announce the District’s vote. After the announcement of each District’s vote, the Convention Secretary shall release the District’s vote report to tellers appointed by the Convention Chairman for tallying. In the event of a variance between the vote report and the vote as announced by the District Chairman, the vote report shall be the official count unless changed by a polling of the delegation. The Convention Secretary shall repeat the vote and the same shall be recorded.

Section 5. Before the next District is called, any delegate may demand a polling of his or her delegation. If such a demand is made, the Convention Secretary shall poll the delegation individually and announce and record the vote before proceeding to the next District. The Convention Secretary shall not release the results of any vote report until after the same has been announced by the District Chairman.

Section 6. No delegate or alternate shall be bound by any attempt of any District to impose the unit rule on the delegation.

Section 7. If two rounds of balloting have been completed, and no candidate has achieved a majority, the candidate with the lowest tally including ties, beginning with the third ballot, on any subsequent ballot shall be eliminated from future ballots. At no time may this section be used to reduce the number of candidates on the ballot to less than two.

Section 8. The balloting on candidates shall continue until a candidate shall have received a majority of the votes cast of the certified convention delegates casting a vote. If a majority is reached during the announcement and tallying of votes, the Convention Secretary shall continue the calling and counting until every District has announced its vote and all votes are recorded.

At the conclusion of the balloting during which a candidate has received a majority vote of the certified delegates casting a vote, the Convention Chair shall declare the candidate nominated and the official candidate of the North Dakota Republican Party at the Primary Election to be held in June or elected to the position if the position was an election.

RULE NO. 8 – Platform & Resolutions

Resolutions offered by the previous Committee on Resolutions shall be provided to the State Convention delegates upon their arrival. They shall be voted upon by State Convention delegates as a package unless a ⅔ majority has determined to separate any Resolution for a separate vote, or to submit a new Resolution for inclusion. No more than 20 Resolutions may be included in total.

Any new Resolution presented from the floor shall be limited to such time as is required to read the Resolution, and up to ten-minutes of discussion in support, and ten minutes of discussion in opposition. Resolutions shall be considered adopted when it receives approval from two-thirds of the State Convention delegates.

In addition to these Resolutions, a Platform of generalized, broad statements may be put forward and adopted by the convention. Together, with the Resolutions, it shall constitute the 2022 North Dakota Republican Party Platform, which shall be considered adopted until the next State Convention convenes.

RULE NO. 9 – Committee on Arrangements

The work of the previous Committee on Arrangements shall stand.

RULE NO. 10 – Rules

The Report of the previous Committee on Rules may be presented at the Convention.

RULE NO. 11 – Limitation of debate 

The Convention Chairman may prescribe a reasonable time limit on discussion of any issue  before the Convention. Each delegate shall be limited to one four-minute statement on any issue before the Convention and a two-minute rebuttal. The only exception shall be any discussion on Resolutions prescribed in Rule No. 8.

RULE NO. 12 – Majority required 

All nominations and other questions properly before the Convention shall be determined by a  majority of the votes cast by delegates certified by the Credentials Committee.

RULE NO. 13 – Vacancies

In the event of the death, resignation, disqualification, or disability of any candidate for office, such  a vacancy shall be filled by a special convention made up of the Republican State Committee. The North Dakota Republican State Chairman will be responsible for calling such a Special Convention.  

RULE NO. 14 – Suspension of the rules  

Any convention rule may be temporarily suspended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of all certified  delegates.



*Explanation: These are the Rules under which the NDGOP shall operate as an interim organization between the adjournment of the 2022 NDGOP State Convention and the convening of the 2024 NDGOP State Convention. These are the Rules by which the convention authorizes the State Committee to operate.


The name of this organization shall be “The North Dakota Republican Party” and shall consist of the State Committee, the Executive Committee and District Committees organized consistent with legislative districts within the State of North Dakota.  


The purpose of the Republican Party of North Dakota shall be to promote sound, honest, and  constitutional government in the state and nation by electing Republicans to public office. A further purpose of the Republican Party of North Dakota shall be to preserve and protect the dignity, rights, and liberties of the individual. The legitimate object of government is to do for a community of people whatever they need to have done but cannot do for themselves, in their separate and individual capacities. In all that the people can individually do as well for themselves, a government ought not to interfere.  


Section 1. Purpose

  1. The general supervision, regulation, and direction of affairs of the Party, as authorized by the state convention, shall be vested in the State Committee.


Section 2. Duties

  1. To establish and maintain a state headquarters.
  2. To do any and all other acts necessary to accomplish the program and policies of the State  Convention.
  3. Develop and execute a communications plan for the Legislative Agenda as prescribed in Article Seven.

Section 2. Composition

The State Committee is composed of the District Chairmen, and the National Committeewoman and the National Committeeman, and the officers prescribed in Section 5. Ex-officio, non-voting members of the State Committee shall include the State Finance Chairman, all North Dakota Republican members of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives, all Republican Executive State Officials, the Republican leader of the State House, the Republican leader of the State Senate, the State Chair of the North Dakota Young Republicans, the State Chair of the North Dakota College Republicans, and the immediate past State Chairman.

Section 3. Meetings  

The District Chairmen shall meet on or before July first of each odd numbered year and reorganize. Only the 47 District Chairs shall vote to elect Officers at the reorganization meeting. The State Committee shall hold at least two meetings each year at the call of the State Chairman and at such other times as ten voting members, in writing, request the State Chairman that a meeting be held. The District Chairmen, as members of the State Committee, shall keep the State Chairman fully advised of the political conditions and requirements in their respective legislative districts and shall look after the Party’s interest at all elections. No person may be allowed to vote at a State Committee meeting unless that person has paid State party dues.

Section 4. Regions

The State Committee shall be divided into four regions each with its own chairman elected for two year terms by region at a meeting of the State Committee held in a non-election year. The Regions shall meet during the year at the call of the Regional Chairman. The regions will consist of the following Districts of the Legislature:

  1. Northwest Region: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 23, 26, 38, 40
  2. Northeast Region: 9, 12, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 29, 42, 43
  3. Southeast Region: 10, 11, 13, 16, 21, 22, 24, 25, 27, 41, 44, 45, 46
  4. Southwest Region: 7, 8, 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 39, 47

Section 5. Officers

The officers of the State Committee shall be a State Chairman, Vice Chairman, Second Vice Chairman, Secretary, and Treasurer. All officers shall be entitled to vote on all questions coming before the State Committee for consideration, except the State Chairman who shall vote only in the case of a tie. The officers, except the Chairman, may be members of the State Committee. A vacancy on the State Committee, other than a District Chairman, shall be filled by a majority of the State Committee. The State Committee shall have the power to determine and provide compensation for the office of the State Chairman on a part-time or full-time basis.

Section 6. Quorum  

A majority of the duly elected members of the State Committee shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at all meetings.  

Section 7. Notice of Meetings  

Fifteen days written or electronic notice of all meetings shall be given to each member of the State Committee.

Section 8. Duties of Office

  1. State Chairman: The State Chairman shall preside at all meetings of the State Committee. In  addition to all the powers, rights, privileges, and duties conferred and imposed upon him by the state convention, he shall exercise and discharge those conferred on him by the Rules of the, North Dakota Republican Party and all resolutions adopted in conformity therewith. The State Chairman shall be the executive officer of the Republican Party in the State of North Dakota. He shall appoint all standing and special committees, from among the members of the state committee of the North Dakota Republican Party, with the approval of the Executive Committee.  
  2. 1st Vice Chair: The 1st Vice Chair, in the absence of the State Chairman, shall preside at all meetings of the State Committee. If a vacancy occurs in the office of State Chairman, caused by death, resignation, or otherwise, then the 1st Vice Chair shall be the Acting Chairman until the next meeting of the State Committee.
  3. 2nd Vice Chair: The duties of the 2nd Vice Chair are to assist the State Chairman, act as liaison between the Republican Party and the Republican Women of North Dakota, and to perform such other duties as the State Chairman may from time to time request. The 2nd Vice Chair is also charged with building, developing, and promoting Republicanism in every form in North Dakota. If a vacancy occurs in the office of State Chairman, caused by death, resignation, or otherwise, then the 2nd Vice Chair shall be the Acting 1st Vice Chair until the next meeting of the State Committee.
  4. Secretary: The Secretary of the State Committee shall attend the meetings of the State  Committee and keep the minutes of the proceedings in a book provided for that purpose. The record of said minutes shall be certified and attested by the Secretary and delivered into the hands of the State Chairman and copies provided to the District Chairmen. The Secretary shall provide copies of the State Committee and the Executive Committee  minutes to all legislators that request to have their names placed on the mailing list for minutes.  
  5. Treasurer: The Treasurer of the State Committee shall be the custodian of all money belonging to the State Committee and shall pay out the same only on the direction of the State Chairman. He shall keep a strict accounting of all money received and paid out with the date of such receipt and payments, from whom received, to whom paid and for what  purpose, which account at all times shall be accessible to the State Chairman. At the end of his term of office, he shall turn over to his successor all money, books, and papers of the State Committee remaining in his hands.  


Section 9. Conflict of Interest  

The nomination or filing as a candidate for any state or federal office by an officer of the State Committee, or by the National Committeeman or National Committeewoman, will automatically constitute his or her resignation from such office.


Section 1. Purpose  

The Executive Committee shall be responsible for the execution of the policies of the State  Convention and the State Committee, with relation to the political organization and management of the Republican Party within the state, shall guide and coordinate political activities and campaigns throughout the state, and hire and manage state party staff.

Section 2. Membership  

The Executive Committee of the State Committee shall consist of the State Chairman, the Vice Chair, the Second Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, National Committeeman, National Committeewoman, together with four Regional District Chairmen as elected in Article III, Section 4. Vacancies shall be filled by the 47 District Chairs at a State Committee meeting called for that purpose, upon fifteen days’ notice.

Section 3. Meetings  

Meetings of the Executive Committee shall be called by the State Chairman upon notice to each member of the Executive Committee. Any member of the State Committee may attend.

Section 4. Voting  

A majority vote of the members of the Executive Committee shall be required for the transaction of business at all meetings.  

Section 5. Duties  

  1. To be responsible for carrying into effect the policies and programs promoted and promulgated by the State Republican Convention and of the State Committee.
  2. To approve the State Chairman’s appointments of standing committees on (1) Research, (2)  Organization, (3) Publicity, (4) Finance and Auditing, (5) Campaign, and any other necessary committees.
  3. To do any and all other acts necessary to accomplish the programs and policies of the State  Committee and the State Convention.  
  4. To establish a North Dakota Republican Party Federal Committee, which shall be responsible for raising and spending money for federal candidates. This Federal Committee shall be the only State Party Committee which shall raise money for Federal candidates and shall follow the laws and rules of the Federal Election Commission.  

Section 6. Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

Minutes of all Executive Committee meetings shall be circulated to the State Committee for them to comment on and review at least one week prior to the next meeting of the State Committee.


Section 1. Composition of District Committee 

The officers of the District Committee shall be a Chairman, one or more Vice Chairmen, a  Secretary, and a Treasurer. The District Committee shall select an Executive Committee consisting of from five to eighteen persons chosen from eligible District members. The Chairman, one or more Vice Chairmen, Secretary and Treasurer of the District Committee shall be members and officers of the Executive Committee. The Party’s nominees for and members of the Legislative Assembly shall also be members of the Executive Committee. The five to eighteen person membership limitation shall include the officers of the Executive Committee and the Party’s nominees for and members of the Legislative Assembly. Any officer of the District Committee may be removed by a two-thirds vote of the members of the District Committee at a duly called meeting of the District Committee.


Section 2. District Reorganization  

The District Committee shall meet in every odd-numbered year on or before May 15 following each General Election to reorganize. The time and place of the District Committee meeting shall be set by the District Chairman. At least 30 days notice must be provided to the State Party, which must place the details of the meeting publicly on the State Party website. Following the completion and approval by the Secretary of State of legislative redistricting, and the finalization of new precinct boundaries, Districts with at least 25% population shift shall reorganize on or before May 15 of the even-numbered year. For newly-formed legislative districts, the State Chair shall set the time, date and place for a reorganization meeting, open to all eligible voters who choose to affiliate with the North Dakota Republican Party.

Section 3. Meetings

The District Committee shall have such other meetings as are duly called by the Chairman and at such other times as five members of the District Committee in writing request the Chairman that a meeting be held. District Rules may require additional meetings.

Section 4. District Conventions

The District Committee shall hold district conventions to nominate candidates for the state  legislature and elect delegates to the State Convention. The District Committee may require payment of a specified amount of dues to establish affiliation with the Republican Party. The District Committee may limit entry to District Conventions and meetings to only those who satisfy the membership criteria for the District.

Section 5. District Rules

The District Committee shall have the authority to adopt its own Rules so long as they do not conflict with these Rules as adopted by the State Convention. The District Committee may require payment of a specified amount of dues to establish affiliation with the Republican Party. The District Committee may limit entry to District Conventions and District meetings to those who satisfy the membership criteria for the District.

Whenever a district’s Rules are newly adopted, the new Rules, along with the date of revision, must be submitted to the State Party. Rules must be received by the State Party within fourteen (14) days of any changes, and such receipt must be no less than at least thirty (30) days prior to any district meeting.

District meetings shall be governed by the most recent version of that district’s Rules on file with the State Party, unless it is a District Convention in which new Rules are being adopted. The State Party shall maintain a copy of each district’s Rules publicly on the State Party website.

Section 6. Duties

To do all other acts necessary to accomplish the programs and policies of the State Committee, the State Convention, and the District Convention.  

Section 7. DataCenter

DataCenter information is the property of the State Committee, and access shall be provided to the Chairman of each legislative district, nominated candidates for legislative and statewide office, and local users authorized by the District Chairman. Access to DataCenter shall not be provided to candidates who are not nominated by the legislative district nor to statewide candidates who are not nominated at the State Convention. No state party official, District Chairman, or other authorized user shall transfer DataCenter information to a non-authorized user at any time. All Datacenter users shall be entitled to training provided by the State Party and sign a list ownership and confidentiality agreement before being provided access.


Following adoption of the Republican Party Platform, and prior to the next state legislative session, the State Committee shall meet to elect a State Legislative Agenda Committee for the purpose of developing a legislative agenda for the next legislative session. The committee shall develop an agenda based upon the Party Platform & Resolutions and the principles prescribed therein. Individuals elected to this committee shall serve until the next State Convention. The Chairman of the committee shall have the power to appoint vacancies.

Section 1. Composition

  1. Be composed of two (2) persons from each Region elected by the chairs within that respective region via majority vote, and one (1) person from any Region elected by the State Committee at-large who shall serve as Chairman. These persons may, but need not be, members of the State Committee.
  2. After the election of the aforementioned committee members, the newly formed committee shall select one (1) Republican member of the North Dakota State House and one (1) Republican member of the North Dakota State Senate to serve on the committee. These two members of the legislature shall be the only current legislators who may be on the committee.
  3. No current state employee or statewide elected official may serve on the committee.
  4. The committee may elect a Vice Chairman and a Secretary from within its membership. The Vice Chairman may serve as Chair in their absence.

Section 2. Duties

  1. The committee shall meet at the call of the State Legislative Agenda Committee Chairman at least three times prior to the next legislative session, with reasonable notice given to members. Meetings may be held in person or via remote conference.
  2. Review every platform plank and party resolution that has been adopted and where it is appropriate, develop legislative proposals that will implement said platform planks or resolutions into law. The Chair may appoint subcommittees from amongst the committee membership for the purposes of developing language for each bill.
  3. Identify legislators in both the House and Senate that will be the lead sponsors of each bill and who will assist in getting them drafted and successfully passed.
  4. Notify all members of the North Dakota Republican Party of each bill’s number and description and provide communications to party members regarding the status of each bill so they can encourage their elected representatives to support and vote for said bill.
  5. At the end of each legislative session, develop a legislative report. This report shall indicate the success or failure of each bill, as well as how each member of the legislature voted. This report shall be distributed through the Party’s mailing list, social media accounts and website.
  6. Provide periodic reports as necessary to the State Committee.

These Interim Committees shall function in between state conventions for the purposes of receiving input from party members and developing recommendations to be presented to the State Committee for input, and to the next State Convention for adoption.

Section 1. The Interim Committee on Resolutions.

The Interim Committee on Resolutions will produce clear and concise position statements highlighting Republican Party principles. Resolutions not of state or national relevance, temporary in nature, duplicative of other resolutions, or containing ad hominem arguments shall not be considered.

Each Regional Chairman shall give due consideration for the rules and goals relative to resolutions and in doing so, will name two members from their respective regions to the Committee and Resolutions at least 120 days prior to the State Convention. The State Committee shall each appoint two Committee Co-Chairman, from amongst the Republican members of the legislature, at least 120 days prior to the State Convention. If any appointment has not been made by the deadline, the State Chairman will nominate a qualified person to fill any vacancy, to be confirmed by the State Executive Committee. 

The Co-Chairmen may appoint a secretary, who need not be a member of the Interim Committee on Resolutions, and will schedule four regional meetings, which may be virtual, and open to all State Committee members, prior to the State Convention. Resolutions will be collected at these meetings through District Chair presentations or presentations by the appointed members of the Resolutions Committee. Resolutions must be submitted in writing to the Committee at least 24 hours before the Committee convenes for its first session. All resolutions shall include at least one sponsoring district that shall be identified on the resolution. 

The Interim Resolutions Committee may meet remotely as long as all members are able to connect to the meeting and an in-person location is made available for anyone presenting to the committee to be able to do so in person.

The Interim Resolutions Committee may submit no more than 50 resolutions to the State Convention. Every resolution shall identify either one or more districts as sponsors or identify the Resolutions Committee as a sponsor. In order to be accepted by the committee, a resolution must pass with a ⅔ majority vote of those members of the committee present.

The Interim Resolutions Committee Report shall be made publicly available on the State Party website for all delegates and alternates to the next State Republican Nominating Convention no later than seven days prior to the start of the Convention.

The State Committee may meet prior to the start of the convention to review the report. The Committee may recommend that one or more resolutions need to be voted on separately. The State Committee may not amend or change the language of any resolution beyond the scope of grammatical corrections. The Interim Resolutions Committee shall consider the recommendations of the State Committee and finalize its Report to be presented to the State Republican Nominating Convention.

Section 2. The Interim Committee on Rules

Each Region will be entitled to one member on the committee to be chosen by the Regional Chairman. The State Chairman will appoint the Committee Chairman to be confirmed by the State Executive Committee. The Interim Committee on Rules may develop and recommend rules for the State Republican Nominating Convention.

Section 3. The Interim Committee on Permanent Organization

The Committee shall consist of the National Committeeman, the National Committeewoman, the State Chairman, and two members from each region, chosen by the Regional Chairman. The National Committeeman and the National Committeewoman shall serve as Co-Chairmen.

The Committee shall make recommendations for a slate of delegates and alternates to attend the National Republican Convention. The Committee shall post an application form on the Party website along with minimum qualifications and estimates concerning the costs to the applicant, if successful, to attend the Republican National Convention.

To be qualified for Committee recommendation, an applicant must have: attended a previous State Nominating Convention as a delegate, alternate, or page; and been elected or appointed as a delegate or alternate to the upcoming State Nominating Convention. An applicant is disqualified if it is determined that he or she has been convicted of or pleaded guilty to a crime that the Interim Committee on Permanent Organization believes would reflect poorly upon the North Dakota Republican Party.

The Committee shall also post on the Party website the criteria used to guide the Committee’s recommendation for a slate of delegates and alternates, which shall include being elected as a delegate to the prior year’s State Nominating Convention, volunteerism on behalf of the Party, service as a state or party official, running for office, contributions to the District or State Party and other criteria provided by the Committee, and may reserve a number of positions for new members of the Party.

The Committee shall score, evaluate, and make a recommendation by 5pm on the Monday before the State Nominating Convention begins, and subsequently post its recommendation, along with the qualified applicants and the scores, on the Party website. In addition, the Committee’s recommendation shall be given to each State Nominating Convention delegate and alternate at or before registration.

Finally, the Committee shall recommend a slate of electors to represent the Republican Candidate for President on the North Dakota election ballot.


Proxies are only permissible at State Committee meetings and not at any precinct or district  meetings. All persons exercising proxies shall be residents of the district which the person giving  the proxy represents, must have paid his/her State Party dues, and shall provide written authorization. Each authorized person shall have one vote.  


The parliamentary authority of the North Dakota Republican Party shall be the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised.


A person wishing to join the North Dakota Republican Party may submit dues to State Party Headquarters, or to a District by contributing to the North Dakota Republican Party, which shall then be forwarded to the State Party. Likewise, a person wishing to contribute to a District would make payment to the District, if the District so provides in its Rules. A person making a contribution to the District does not become a member of the North Dakota Republican Party.

The State Party annual membership shall be open to any legal elector of the state of North Dakota, who intends to affiliate with the North Dakota Republican Party. Membership shall apply to any member for the remainder of the full calendar year in which payment is submitted. The dues amount of the State Party shall be $10.


*Explanation: These are the Rules which are necessary to satisfy the minimum requirements for allocating delegates for the 2024 NDGOP State Convention, issue the Call to Order, and providing minimum standards for nomination of candidates. These Rules also provide a contingency plan for a Special Nominating Convention in case there is a vacancy in a statewide position in the interim.


Ninety (90) days prior to the State Republican Convention, the State Chairman shall issue the Call of the Convention to the State Republican Committee. The Call of the Convention shall include the purpose, date, place, and the time of the State Republican Nominating Convention. 


Delegates and alternates to the State Republican Convention shall be allotted as provided by these rules.  

Section 1. District Convention.  

During the period between January 1 and March 1 of an even year the District Chairman shall call a convention for the purpose of electing delegates and alternates to the State Republican Convention. Notice shall be provided to the State Party and placed on its website no less than fourteen (14) days in advance, and shall include the purpose, date, place, time and qualifications for participation of the District Convention.

Section 2. Eligibility.  

Delegates and alternates to the State Republican Convention must be an American citizen of voting age (18) by the time the convention is called to order, must have been a resident of the District for the 30 days immediately preceding the District Convention, and must be a dues paying member of the North Dakota Republican Party prior to their nomination at the District Convention and forward those dues to the State Party. No person may seek election as a delegate or alternate in more than one District during one election cycle. In addition, the delegates and alternates must have voted or affiliated with the Republican Party in the last general election or intend to vote or affiliate with the Republican Party in the next general election.  

Section 3. Non-Discrimination.  

No American citizen eligible to vote shall be denied from participating as a delegate or alternate for reasons of sex, race, religion, color, age or national origin.  

Section 4. Allocation of Delegates and Alternates Between Districts.  

Delegates and Alternates to the State Republican convention shall be allocated as follows:  

  1. One delegate for every 300 votes cast for the Republican candidate for Governor in the previous General Election. In the event that a Legislative District has 100 percent new territory as compared to the Legislative District’s territory in the prior election cycle, that Legislative District shall receive delegates equal to the average number of delegates granted under this subsection (4a) for all the Legislative Districts from which the territory of the new district was acquired during the prior election cycle, rounded up. 

  1. One delegate for every 300 votes cast for the Republican candidate for U.S. House of  Representatives in the previous General Election. In the event that a Legislative District has 100 percent new territory as compared to the Legislative District’s territory in the prior election cycle, that Legislative District shall receive delegates equal to the average number  of delegates granted under this subsection (4b) for all the Legislative Districts from which  the territory of the new district was acquired during the prior election cycle, rounded up.

  1. One delegate for every 300 votes cast for the Republican candidate for President in the previous General Election. In the event that a Legislative District has 100 percent new territory as compared to the Legislative District’s territory in the prior election cycle, that Legislative District shall receive delegates equal to the average number of delegates granted under this subsection (4c) for all the Legislative Districts from which the territory of the new district was acquired during the prior election cycle, rounded up.

  1. One delegate for each Republican Legislator elected in the last legislative election cycle for that Legislative District. In the event that a Legislative District has 100 percent new territory as compared to the Legislative District’s territory in the prior election cycle, that Legislative District shall receive bonus state legislator delegates equal to the average of all the Legislative Districts from which the territory of the new district was acquired during  the prior election cycle, rounded up.

  1. One bonus delegate shall be awarded to a district for every 20 dues-paying members of the North Dakota Republican Party from that district at the end of the preceding calendar year.  

  1. One bonus delegate shall be awarded to a district for every 5 percentage points of increase  

in the number of dues-paying members of the North Dakota Republican Party from that district at the end of the preceding calendar year compared to the number on January 1 of that year.  

  1. Total bonus delegates awarded under subsections 4(E) and 4(F) shall not exceed 25% of  the delegates awarded under subsections 4(A) – 4(D).  

  1. Each Legislative District will be entitled to at least five delegates.  

  1. Each Legislative District shall be afforded a number of Alternate Delegates to the State  Republican Nominating Convention equal to the number of Regular Delegates under this section.  

  1. One delegate for each member of the State Executive Committee who is not a District  Chairman.  


Section 5. Election of Delegates.  

The District Chairman shall be delegates. All remaining Delegates to the Republican State  Convention must be elected by plurality vote of qualified Republican District Convention voters physically present at a District Convention called for such purpose.  

To be nominated as a delegate, a candidate who is unable to personally attend the District  Convention must personally contact the District Chairman, indicate interest in being nominated, and provide evidence that the candidate meets all district membership criteria. 

Any person attending a District Convention whose eligibility to serve as a delegate based on the District’s membership criteria has been verified may be nominated from the floor.  

If the number of persons nominated for election as a delegate is greater than the number of delegate slots available for that district, the delegates must be elected by secret ballot. If the number of persons submitting their name for delegate election is equal to or less than the number of slots available for that district, a majority voice vote on the proposed slate of delegates may be permitted. Proxy voting is not permitted.

All names placed in nomination must be included on a uniform paper ballot for use by all eligible voters. Names shall be placed on the ballot in the order in which they were nominated. To tally the votes, election tellers may be appointed by the District Chair or Executive Committee.  


Consistent with the other provision of these Rules, only delegate or alternate delegate applications postmarked or hand delivered by the Monday preceding the beginning of the Republican State Nominating Convention shall be deemed timely. Late filing applicants shall not be seated as delegates or alternate delegates.  


The names of the delegates and alternates listed by the District Chairman shall be placed upon the temporary roll of the convention by the State Chairman.  

No person on the temporary roll of the convention and whose right to be seated as a delegate or alternate is being contested shall be entitled to vote on the convention floor until by a vote of the convention the contest as to such person has been finally decided and such person is permanently seated, except that any such person may be accorded the right  to so vote, except in matters involving the credentials of that person by an affirmative vote of a majority of the State Committee on the Committee on Credentials.  


Section 1. Notice.  

Notice of contests shall state the grounds for contesting the seating of a delegate or delegates and shall be filed no later than two days before the scheduled meeting of the Committee on Credentials. The notice of contest shall be filed with the Secretary of the Republican State Committee and shall be sent simultaneously via registered mail to the delegate or delegates being contested. 

Section 2. Eligibility.  

A challenge to the seating of a delegate or delegates can only be made by a resident of the  Legislative District in question.


The fee structure for 2024 state convention delegates shall be as follows:

$40 for delegates
$20 for alternate delegates
$0 for pages


Section 1. Eligibility

In order for a Statewide Candidate, National Committeeman, or National Committeewoman to have his/her name placed in nomination he/she must:

  1. Submit valid signatures from ten District Chairs by 5:00 p.m. of the Monday prior to the start of the Republican State Nominating Convention at which they are seeking nomination or election;
  2. Hold delegate status to the Republican State Nominating Convention at which they intend to be nominated as a candidate;
  3. Submit to the Chairman in writing any use of a candidate’s or other party’s personal or campaign funds to pay the delegate fees of any seated delegate by 5:00 p.m. the Monday prior the start of the Republican State Nominating Convention. Such disclosures shall be made available to seated delegates and alternates upon request;
  4. Receive a nomination and second by seated delegates to the Republican State Nominating Convention. A special guest to the Convention may speak in support of a candidate; however, they may not formally place the candidate’s name into nomination.

Section 2. Prohibition of Candidates from Other Parties

Any person who has sought the nomination of another political party or ran as an Independent for statewide office in the past six (6) years shall be prohibited from seeking the nomination of the North Dakota Republican Party’s State Convention.

Section 3. Exemptions

The Lieutenant Governor position is exempt from this rule. The Governor or the Governor’s designee may nominate the Lieutenant Governor at the convention. Any other nomination from the floor of the convention for Lieutenant Governor requires a two-thirds (2/3) vote.

Section 4. Nomination Process

After the Convention Chairman has opened the floor for nominations, the Convention Chair will call for nominations and allow them until there are no more nominations or all eligible candidates have been nominated. If there is only one candidate for nomination who has the required support, the chair may declare them elected or nominated.


The Committee shall consist of seven (7) members:

  1. Three (3) members elected at large by the State Committee;
  2. Two (2) members appointed by the Chairman of the Party;
  3. Chairperson of the most recent Convention;
  4. Chairperson of the upcoming Convention.

The duties of the committee shall be as follows:

  1. Generate a request for proposal to North Dakota cities, subject to approval by the Executive Committee;
  2. Disseminate the RFP and facilitate the process of gathering proposals;
  3. Review the proposals and generate a committee recommendation;
  4. Proposals shall be reviewed against criteria to include, but not limited to: existing rotation customs, lodging availability, adequate convention facilities, community support, local committee desire, financial commitments;
  5. Engage third-party vendor(s) to facilitate convention planning, subject to approval by the Executive Committee;
  6. Guide the convention planning process and act as a partner with the local committee and any third-party vendors.

The recommendation of the Committee on Arrangements shall be considered for approval by the State Committee prior to the State Chair issuing the call for the next State Republican Nominating Convention. Elections shall be conducted no later than re-organizational meetings of the State Committee. Members of the Committee shall not also serve as Officers of the Executive Committee.


Section 1. Call of the Special Convention  

In the event of a special election for the U.S. House of Representatives or the U.S. Senate triggered by a writ of election issued by the Governor, the State Chairman and the State Executive Committee shall, as soon as practical, issue to the State Republican Committee  the Call of the Special Convention at least twelve (12) days prior to the Convention. The Call of the Special Convention shall include the purpose, date, place, and the time of the State Republican Special Convention.  


Section 2. Special District Conventions  

The District Chairs shall call and hold a special district convention at which the required number of delegates to the State Republican Special Convention shall be chosen. Public notice must be given at least six (6) days before the special district convention by publication in the official newspaper in the county or counties that comprise the district, which notice shall include the purpose, date, place and the time of the special district  convention. The notice shall also include the purpose, date, place, and the time of the State Republican Special Convention.  

Section 3. Allocation of Delegates and Alternates Between Districts Delegates and alternates to a State Republican Special Convention shall be allocated as follows:  

  1. One delegate for every 300 votes cast for the Republican candidate for Governor in the  previous General Election.  
  2. One delegate for every 300 votes cast for the Republican candidate for U.S. House of  Representatives in the previous General Election.  
  3. One delegate for every 300 votes cast for the Republican candidate for President in the  previous General Election. 
  4. One delegate for each Republican Legislator elected in the last legislative election cycle for  that Legislative District.  
  5. One delegate for each member of the State Executive Committee who is not a District Chairman.  
  6. Each Legislative District will be entitled to at least five delegates.  
  7. Each Legislative District shall be afforded a number of Alternate Delegates to the State  Republican Convention equal to the number of Regular Delegates under this section.    

Section 4. State Special Convention Committees  

A committee on credentials, a committee on rules, and a committee on permanent organization will be established as otherwise provided in these rules. During a State  Republican Special Convention, there will be no committee on resolutions.  


Section 5. Order of Business  

The Order of Business of the State Special Republican Convention shall be as follows:  

  1. Call to Order by the State Chairman or the State Chairman’s designee.
  2. Election of a Temporary Chairman and Temporary Secretary.  
  3. Appointment of Committee on Credentials, Committee on Rules, by the Temporary  Chairman.  
  4. Report of Credentials Committee and seating of delegates.  
  5. Election of Permanent Chairman and Secretary.  
  6. Accept the Rules Committee report.  
  7. Nomination of Statewide offices with the order of nomination to be at the discretion of the State Executive Committee.  


Section 6. State Special Convention Rules  

Except as otherwise provided in Sections 1 through 5 above, in all other respects, the rules for the State Republican Special Convention are the same as for a normal nominating convention, including eligibility of delegates and alternates, non-discrimination, election of delegates, certification of delegates, temporary role, contesting delegate seating, admission to the convention hall, credentials, nominating, balloting, limitation of debate, voting requirements, application of Robert’s Rules of Order, vacancies, and suspension of the rules.  

Paid for by 2022 NDGOP Ad Hoc Committee on Rules. Use of the NDGOP State Convention logo does not imply ownership.